Through his works, Francesco explores the man-environment-nature relationship using animal allegory. Places where man is not present in his human form. Yet, the interactions between the animals and the environment, the movements and their gazes, perfectly show the dynamics that occur both in nature among animals and in society among human beings. His "fabulous bestiary" comes from his imagination, which refers not so much to a realistic study as to a knowledge dictated by memory, almost childish.
The details in the works of Francesco Maluta are very precious to better connote the main scenes he represents and to enrich and define the secondary or background ones. Very often they represent small animals, flowers, fruits, foliage, peculiarities of the painted animals. We can also find variations in color, for example in the coat or plumage, in the colors of the sky and the ground, in the plants and flowers. From a technical point of view, we can notice the detailed shading, the search for the right shades of light that make the backgrounds and brushstrokes multifaceted, the refinement of the chromatic combinations and the multitude of pigmentations used.
The details in the works of Francesco Maluta are very precious to better connote the main scenes he represents and to enrich and define the secondary or background ones. Very often they represent small animals, flowers, fruits, foliage, peculiarities of the painted animals. We can also find variations in color, for example in the coat or plumage, in the colors of the sky and the ground, in the plants and flowers. From a technical point of view, we can notice the detailed shading, the search for the right shades of light that make the backgrounds and brushstrokes multifaceted, the refinement of the chromatic combinations and the multitude of pigmentations used.